Guest Survey

There is one further free sample lesson available from esl-lounge Premium for anyone who sends us this completed form.

Why This Survey?

We care about improving esl-lounge Premium, not only for our signed up members, but also for those considering joining.

We would also like to demonstrate that all the lessons on esl-lounge Premium are of a very high quality: some pay-sites will front load their samples with the best lesson plans while the rest leave a lot to be desired. This is a chance for you to pick any of our Premium lesson plans and see that we are consistent in our quality.

We would like your honest opinions about the site. Don't think you have to give "positive" answers in order to get the one further sample lesson plan. The one thing we would ask of you is to make the effort to complete the form.

* = obligatory fields

Name * 

See Privacy Policy.

Free Sample Lesson. Please enter the following information about the extra lesson plan sample you want. If this information is not correct, we cannot send anything to you.

Lesson Plan Code*  
This code can be found next to each lesson plan. e.g. 2W1, 4G3, etc.

US English
British English

1. How did you find us? (Google, Advert on another site, recommendation, etc)

2. What do you think of the other free samples you've seen on esl-lounge Premium so far? (See Free Samples page.)

Below Average/Poor

3. Are you considering signing up to become a member of esl-lounge Premium after what you have seen of the site and the samples?


4. What other comments would you like to make about your impressions of esl-lounge Premium? If you are not considering signing up, why not? What is discouraging you?

5. Click the checkbox below:


Join esl-lounge Premium today
Quality ESL lesson plans Full teacher notes included Color flashcards Business and Young Learners
"These lessons are made up by someone who knows how to teach and they have made my life infinitely easier. I have spent my life preparing these kinds of lessons and now they are done for me."
Patricia Adams

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