Advanced Level >> Phrasal Verbs Worksheets >> Your students will have to create the phrasal verbs from two groups of main verbs and prepositions and then use these to complete the sentences.
Phrasal Verb Generator 8
In groups, choose verbs and particles from the following boxes to make phrasal verbs. Which group can think of the most?
Ask | Back | Calm | Call |
Fall | Pass | Take | Throw |
Around | Down | Up |
Off | Through | Away |
Find some phrasal verbs to fill the spaces in the following sentences:
1. I've ___________ but nobody seems to know what time the concert will finish on Saturday. Do you know?
2. Kelly and her friends argued because Kelly felt they didn't ___________ her ___________ in the dispute she had with her high school.
3. ___________, mom! Don't get so upset, I said I'll be back by ten o'clock at the latest.
4. The local agricultural fair has been ___________ due to many of the farm animals falling ill.
5. We were so close to finalizing the contract, but it ___________ at the last minute due to the customer having financial concerns.
6. Tom Law missed four days of school last month after his grandmother ___________. The school sent a condolence card to the family.
7. Cabbage Patch Dolls were a type of cuddly doll that really ___________ in the Eighties. Everyone went crazy for them!
8. "These batteries are dead. ___________ them ___________." "No, we have to take them to a proper disposal place. You can't put old batteries in the trash!"