Advanced Vocabulary Exercise: 'Run' and 'Catch' Gap Fill

The verbs 'run' and 'catch' are used in many different ways in English. Complete each sentence with the correct form of one of these two words.

  1. Is the governor of New York going to for president?
  2. The teacher explained the lesson, but I didn't on.
  3. Last month we up a big phone bill.
  4. The sudden rain yesterday me by surprise.
  5. The hunters a glimpse of a deer, but it got away.
  6. If you drive too fast, you the risk of having an accident.
  7. Don't let your imagination away with you.
  8. We into some problems when we tried to repair the plumbing ourselves.
  9. Cover your mouth when you sneeze so other people don't your cold.
  10. Musical talent has always in their family.

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