A1 CEFR Vocabulary Word List
Here are the words for A1 CEFR level. For the next level of words, see the A2 level word list.
A | |
a/an about above across action activity actor actress add address adult advice afraid after afternoon again age ago agree air airport all also always amazing |
and angry animal another answer any anyone anything apartment apple April area arm around arrive art article artist as ask at August aunt autumn away |
B | |
baby back bad bag ball banana band bank (money) bath bathroom be beach beautiful because become bed bedroom beer before begin beginning behind believe below best better between bicycle big bike bill bird birthday |
black blog blonde blue boat body book boot bored boring born both bottle box boy boyfriend bread break breakfast bring brother brown build building bus business busy but butter buy by bye |
C | |
cafe cake call camera can cannot capital car card career carrot carry cat CD cent centre century chair change chart cheap check cheese chicken child chocolate choose cinema city class classroom clean climb |
clock close clothes club coat coffee cold college colour come common company compare complete computer concert conversation cook cooking cool correct cost could country course cousin cow cream create culture cup customer cut |
D | |
dad dance dancer dancing dangerous dark date daughter day dear December decide delicious describe description design desk detail dialogue dictionary die diet |
difference different difficult dinner dirty discuss dish do doctor dog dollar door down downstairs draw dress drink drive driver during DVD |
E | |
each ear early east easy eat egg eight eighteen eighty elephant eleven else end enjoy enough euro |
even evening event ever every everybody everyone everything exam example excited exciting exercise expensive explain extra eye |
F | |
face fact fall false family famous fantastic far farm farmer fast fat father favourite February feel feeling festival few fifteen fifth fifty fill film final find fine finish fire first |
fish five flat flight floor flower fly follow food foot football for forget form forty four fourteen fourth free Friday friend friendly from front fruit full fun funny future |
G | |
game garden geography get girl girlfriend give glass go good goodbye |
grandfather grandmother grandparent great green grey group grow guess guitar gym |
H | |
hair half hand happen happy hard hat hate have have to he head health healthy hear hello help her here hey hi |
high him his history hobby holiday home homework hope horse hospital hot hotel hour house how however hundred hungry husband |
I | |
I ice ice cream idea if imagine important improve in include information |
interest interested interesting internet interview into introduce island it its |
J | |
jacket January jeans job join |
journey juice July June just |
K | |
keep key kilometre |
kind (type) kitchen know |
L | |
land language large last (final) late later laugh learn leave left leg lesson let letter library lie life |
light (from the sun/a lamp) like (similar) like (find sb/sth pleasant) line lion list listen little live local long look lose lot love lunch |
M | |
machine magazine main make man many map March market married match (contest) May maybe me meal mean meaning meat meet meeting member menu message metre midnight mile |
milk million minute miss mistake model modern moment Monday money month more morning most mother mountain mouse mouth move movie much mum museum music must my |
N | |
name natural near need negative neighbour never new news newspaper next next to nice night nine |
nineteen ninety no no one nobody north nose not note nothing November now number nurse |
O | |
object o'clock October of off office often oh OK old on once one onion |
online only open opinion opposite or orange order other our out outside over own |
P | |
page paint painting pair paper paragraph parent park part partner party passport past pay pen pencil people pepper perfect period person personal phone photo photograph phrase piano picture piece pig pink place |
plan plane plant play player please point police policeman pool poor popular positive possible post potato pound practice practise prefer prepare present pretty price probably problem product programme project purple put |
Q | |
quarter question quick |
quickly quiet quite |
R | |
radio rain read reader reading ready real really reason red relax remember repeat report |
restaurant result return rice rich ride right river road room routine rule run |
S | |
sad salad salt same sandwich Saturday say school science scientist sea second section see sell send sentence September seven seventeen seventy share she sheep shirt shoe shop shopping short should show shower sick similar sing singer sister sit situation six sixteen sixty skill skirt sleep slow small snake |
snow so some somebody someone something sometimes son song soon sorry sound soup south space speak special spell spelling spend sport spring stand star start statement station stay still stop story street strong student study style subject success sugar summer sun Sunday supermarket sure sweater swim swimming |
T | |
table take talk tall taxi tea teach teacher team teenager telephone television tell ten tennis terrible test text than thank thanks that the theatre their them then there they thing think third thirsty thirteen thirty this thousand |
three through Thursday ticket time tired title to today together toilet tomato tomorrow tonight too tooth topic tourist town traffic train travel tree trip trousers true try T-shirt Tuesday turn TV twelve twenty twice two type |
U | |
umbrella uncle under understand university until |
up upstairs us use useful usually |
V | |
vacation vegetable very video |
village visit visitor |
W | |
wait waiter wake walk wall want warm wash watch water way we wear weather website Wednesday week weekend welcome well west what when where |
which white who why wife will win window wine winter with without woman wonderful word work worker world would write writer writing wrong |
X Y Z | |
yeah year yellow yes yesterday |
you young your yourself |