Cambridge C2 Proficiency
C2 Proficiency (CPE): Speaking Test Two
Here, you have a full Speaking test. What the examiner says is shown in italics.
Speaking Part One: Interview
2 minutes
Good morning/afternoon. My name is ________ and this is my colleague ________.
And your names are?
Can I have your mark sheets please?
Thank you.
Where are you from, (Candidate A)?
And you, (Candidate B)?
Address a selection of these questions to the candidates in turn, as appropriate.
What type of house would you like to live in?
What are the most popular sports in your country?
Tell me about an interesting hobby you would like to take up in the future.
Do you and your friends share the same ideas and opinions?
Are you planning to do anything special this weekend?
Speaking Part Two: Collaborative Task
4 minutes
Now, in this part of the test, you're going to do something together. Here are some pictures of people in different situations.
First, I'd like you to look at photograph one and discuss what you think the circumstances behind the photo are.
[Candidates speak for about one minute.]
Thank you, Now look at all the photographs.
I'd like you to imagine a leaflet about dangerous and/or exciting jobs is being created for schoolchildren. I want you to talk together about which of these photographs would be appropriate for the leaflet and why.
You have about three minutes for this, so don't worry if I interrupt you.

Speaking Part Three: Long Turn & Discussion
10 minutes
Now, in this part of the test, you're each going to talk on your own for about two minutes. You need to listen while your partner is speaking because you'll be asked to comment afterwards.
So (Candidate A), I'm going to give you a card with a question written on it and I'd like you to tell us what you think. There are also some ideas on the card for you to use if you like.
All right? Here is your card.
Please let (Candidate B) see your card. Remember (Candidate A), you have about two minutes to talk before we join in.
What do people gain from travel?
- personal
- culture
- personality
[Candidate A talks for about 2 minutes]
Thank you.
(Then Candidate B is asked)
What have you gained from your travels?
Now (Candidate B), it's your turn to be given a question. Here is your card.
Please let (Candidate A) see your card. Remember (Candidate B), you have about two minutes to tell us what you think, and there are some ideas on the card for you to use if you like. All right?
What are some common problems that people can encounter while travelling?
- documents
- transport
- accommodation
[Candidate B talks for about 2 minutes]
Thank you.
(Then Candidate A is asked)
What is your worst experience while travelling?
Now to finish the test, we're going to talk about travel.
(Questions selected from below, addressed to both candidates, for about 4 minutes)
- Are some people right in seeing foreign travel as dangerous?
- Would one world language solve many of the problems that exist?
- Which country would you most like to visit and why?
- Would you consider yourself a tourist or a traveller?