Cambridge B2 First

B2 First - Word Formation Exercise 5

For each question, fill the space in the sentence using the base word given in bold at the end. The required word may be a noun, adverb, adjective or verb and it may be either positive (e.g. helpful) or negative (e.g. unhelpful).

1. I was just trying to be towards him and he accused me of wanting his money!

2. The south-west of England, for example Devon and Cornwall, is known as the part of the United Kingdom.

3. What you may think is is really just over-enthusiasm. He would never harm anyone.

4. Anyone being rude and to our staff will be asked to leave the premises immediately.

5. Men have more of a to put weight on around the waist and stomach areas and this is something they should be aware of.

6. Three weeks after winning the lottery, Daniel Perkins had the to lose a court case in which he was being sued for nearly $2million.

7. The pharmaceutical company's have discovered a better way of combining medicines to create a flu remedy.

8. The babies were put up for when their mother was jailed for her part in the murder.

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