Listening Exercises - Beginner Level
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A Surprise Party
Description: A conversation between siblings planning a surprise birthday party for their mother.
Language: Present simple, future time expressions, making plans and offering help.
Dialect: North American English | Length: 1m 27s | Exercise Number: 0L16
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Listening Quiz 1 - A Surprise Party * NEW! *
Listening Quiz 2 - A Surprise Party 2 * NEW! *
On The Bus
Description: A friendly conversation between two strangers who meet on a crowded bus.
Language: Simple introductions, talking about work and study, making polite conversation.
Dialect: North American English | Length: 1m 18s | Exercise Number: 0L17
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Listening Quiz 1 - On The Bus * NEW! *
Listening Quiz 2 - On The Bus 2 * NEW! *
Getting A Coffee
Description: A conversation between a customer and barista at a coffee shop.
Language: Ordering food and drinks, making requests, asking about facilities.
Dialect: North American English | Length: 1m 16s | Exercise Number: 0L18
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Listening Quiz 1 - Getting A Coffee * NEW! *
Listening Quiz 2 - Getting A Coffee 2 * NEW! *

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At The Gallery
Description: Two friends explore an art gallery and discuss the paintings they see.
Language: Expressing opinions about art, making suggestions, planning activities.
Dialect: North American English | Length: 1m 21s | Exercise Number: 0L19
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Listening Quiz 1 - At The Gallery * NEW! *
Listening Quiz 2 - At The Gallery 2 * NEW! *
Stamp Collecting
Description: Mark talks about his hobby of collecting stamps and what he learns from it.
Language: Simple present tense, describing hobbies and routines, expressing likes.
Dialect: North American English | Length: 1m 51s | Exercise Number: 0L20
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Listening Quiz 1 - Stamp Collecting * NEW! *
Listening Quiz 2 - Stamp Collecting 2 * NEW! *
My Day at College
Description: Emily describes her typical daily routine as a college student.
Language: Daily routines, telling time, sequencing events using time expressions.
Dialect: British English | Length: 1m 27s | Exercise Number: 0L21
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Listening Quiz 2 - My Day at College 2 * NEW! *