C2 Proficiency - Key Word Transformations Exercises

Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)

The final part of the Reading and Use of English paper is Key Word Transformations. A sentence followed by a key word and a second sentence which has a gap in it. You have to use the key word to complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence.

Example Question

3. He failed the exam as he didn't work as fast as the rest of the class.
His failure was blamed on his inability _____________________ rest of the class.

Key Word Transformations Exercise 1
Exercise Number: CPE046

Key Word Transformations Exercise 2
Exercise Number: CPE047

Key Word Transformations Exercise 3
Exercise Number: CPE048

Exam Tip!

Each question is marked in two halves and it's perfectly possible to get one whole point in the exam just for getting a single word correctly, even if you don't know the other words to put in the gap. So you should always give every question a try.

Key Word Transformations Exercise 4
Exercise Number: CPE049

Key Word Transformations Exercise 5
Exercise Number: CPE050

Key Word Transformations Exercise 6
Exercise Number: CPE051

Key Word Transformations Exercise 7
Exercise Number: CPE052

Key Word Transformations Exercise 8
Exercise Number: CPE053

Key Word Transformations Exercise 9
Exercise Number: CPE054

Exam Tip!

The important thing in key word transformations is that you keep the meaning the same - EXACTLY the same. So it's important that you read through the first sentence and your second sentence to ensure you have kept the meaning the same. Look at these two sentences:

Tommy said he was ready for his driving test and would take it in July.
Tommy said he was ready for his driving test and could take it in July.

One letter has been changed, from "would" to "could" but it changes the meaning of the sentence totally. Be careful of this!

Key Word Transformations Exercise 12
Exercise Number: CPE057

Key Word Transformations Exercise 10
Exercise Number: CPE055

Key Word Transformations Exercise 11
Exercise Number: CPE056

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