Flashcards For Vocabulary Teaching

We have hundreds of flashcards that you can use in the classroom to illustrate, to name just a few, different tenses, verbs, adjectives, prepositions and a whole host of grammatical points.

All flashcards are in PDF format. Most of the flashcards use an image on one page with a word/words printed on the other. Some have an image on each page without words. More details of this can be found in the description of each set. Where there are words printed on a second page, you will have the choice to use that page or not.

The flashcards come in two size formats - A4 (30cm x 21cm, 12in x 8in) and a larger A3 size (42cm x 30cm, 16.5in x 12in).

For more information on printing and using flashcards, go to our Flashcard Tips page.

Routine Verbs

Great for practicing present simple but also adaptable for many other things such as present continuous: "What is he doing?"

Get Up - A4 | A3
Brush Your Teeth - A4 | A3
Have Breakfast - A4 | A3
Take A Shower - A4 | A3
Go To Bed - A4 | A3
Sleep - A4 | A3
Read - A4 | A3
Use A Computer - A4 | A3
Cook - A4 | A3
Drive - A4 | A3
Get On A Train - A4 | A3
Get To Work - A4 | A3
Leave Work - A4 | A3
Have Dinner - A4 | A3
Go Out For A Drink - A4 | A3
Listen To Music - A4 | A3
Go Shopping - A4 | A3
Study / Do Homework - A4 | A3
Talk On The Telephone - A4 | A3
Play Tennis - A4 | A3
Watch TV - A4 | A3
Vacuum / Do Housework - A4 | A3
Go Swimming - A4 | A3
Leave Home - A4 | A3
Get Home - A4 | A3

Prepositions of Place

Simple visual representation of prepositions that cause so many problems for students. In many cases, alternatives are included to give teachers more options. e.g. in/inside.

The cat is on the table - A4 | A3
The man is behind the door - A4 | A3
The mouse is on the chair - A4 | A3
The phone is under the book - A4 | A3
The banana is in the box - A4 | A3
The man is between the chairs - A4 | A3
The picture is on the wall - A4 | A3
The bottle is near the radio - A4 | A3
The bottle is next to the radio - A4 | A3
The fish is below the boat - A4 | A3
The bird is above the waves - A4 | A3
The man is against the wall - A4 | A3


Allows you to do occupation vocabulary with your students as well as practice present simple and use them as visual prompts for countless other grammatical and vocabulary language points.

Actor - A4 | A3
Author - A4 | A3
Builder - A4 | A3
Butcher - A4 | A3
Chef - A4 | A3
Dentist - A4 | A3
Doctor - A4 | A3
Engineer - A4 | A3
Farmer - A4 | A3
Hairdresser - A4 | A3
Judge - A4 | A3
Musician - A4 | A3
Nurse - A4 | A3
Photographer - A4 | A3
Pilot - A4 | A3
Plumber - A4 | A3
Police Officer - A4 | A3
Politician - A4 | A3
Secretary - A4 | A3
Shop Assistant - A4 | A3
Singer - A4 | A3
Soldier - A4 | A3
Teacher - A4 | A3
Travel Agent - A4 | A3
TV Presenter - A4 | A3
Veterinarian - A4 | A3
Waiter - A4 | A3


These flashcards are about abilities and what people can do. They can be used to get students talking about what they can do, what they can't do and also to prompt them to ask questions to other students about their abilities.

Dive - A4 | A3
Do A Handstand - A4 | A3
Juggle - A4 | A3
Paint - A4 | A3
Play A Musical Instrument - A4 | A3
Play Pool - A4 | A3
Play Tennis - A4 | A3
Ride A Horse - A4 | A3
Run 3 miles / Run 5 km - A4 | A3
Sing - A4 | A3
Speak French - A4 | A3
Use A Computer - A4 | A3
Swim - A4 | A3


Meet Sally. How is she feeling today?

Angry - A4 | A3
Bored - A4 | A3
Embarrassed - A4 | A3
Happy - A4 | A3
Sad - A4 | A3
Scared - A4 | A3
Surprised - A4 | A3
Tired - A4 | A3
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